Monday, April 28, 2008

Ready to Blow

I know, I'm supposed to be gradually easing you into the world of 5Caliber but a sista has alot to say today- after all, that is the reason that I started this thing.

So allow me to get intimate with you, if you will. I know that we New Yorkers and probably people everywhere are highly perturbed at the verdict that was announced on Friday. We sat and held our breathe for 17months anxiously awaiting what we thought would be a sure fire sign that justice prevails in America. BUT WOE IS ME...a verdict of Not Guilty. I clutched my pearls in shock and disdain. (Raise your hand if you were really surprised)

And as if we didn't have enough reason to insite a revolution, this pissed me off even more.

It truly is open season...

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